Congratulations to the Westside FFA president, Ashlee Henderson, for being selected as an ambassador for the Arkansas Youth Expo, which will be held this fall in Fayetteville.
over 1 year ago, WCSD
Congratulations to our Westside FFA president Ashlee Henderson for being selected as an ambassador for the Arkansas Youth Expo, which will be held this fall in Fayetteville
WHS FFA goat exhibitors have been working hard despite the heat and have done well at their first two shows. They are Jaxson Hines, John Caldwell, Rylee Lemley, and Roper Jones.
over 1 year ago, WCSD
FFA Goat Exhibitors
FFA Goat Exhibitors
FFA Goat Exhibitors
FFA Goat Exhibitors
Cadet Jessica Gilbert has completed her solo flight today!! It's a great day to be a Warrior!
over 1 year ago, WCSD
Jessica Gilbert  on her first solo flight
Jessica Gilbert  on her first solo flight
Jessica Gilbert  on her first solo flight
Two more lamb exhibitors from WHS FFA, Ashlee Henderson and Conner Layne, are looking forward to more Summer Swelter shows this year.
over 1 year ago, WCSD
FFA Lamb Exhibitors
FFA Lamb Exhibitors
WHS FFA members, Ashlynn Jones, Rylee Lemley, and Harlynn Robertson showcased their lambs at the second Summer Swelter show this past Saturday in Marmaduke.
over 1 year ago, WCSD
FFA Lamb Exhibition
FFA Lamb Exhibition
FFA Lamb Exhibition
The AFJROTC cadets took a little time today during their summer break to do a food pack at the Food Bank of NEA.
over 1 year ago, WCSD
AFJROTC Food Bank Pack
AFJROTC Food Bank Pack
Congratulations to Ashlee Henderson and Ryleigh Tate for representing not only Westside but also Arkansas FFA at the Washington Leadership Conference this past week. We are excited for them to share with our local chapter what they have learned
over 1 year ago, WCSD
WHS FFA Washington DC Conference
WHS FFA Washington DC Conference
In observance of Independence Day, Westside Schools will be closed on Tuesday, July 4, 2023. School offices will reopen on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. Westside wishes all of our Warriors to have a safe and happy 4th of July! 💥
over 1 year ago, WCSD
Independence Day
Post #9 - Parking lot lines, handrails and wing walls have all been painted with their original red or yellow color all across the district!
over 1 year ago, WCSD
Yellow and Red painted across district
Yellow and Red painted across district
Yellow and Red painted across district
Yellow and Red painted across district
Post #8 - WHS exterior doors, window panels and all handrails have been repainted!
over 1 year ago, WCSD
WHS Repainted Panels
WHS Exterior Doors Repainted
Cadets Avery Hausman-Taku and Jessica Gilbert are a little more than half way through their training at the flight academy. Both cadets have passed their FAA Exam and now are building flight time with night flights and cross country flights towards earning their pilots license. Congratulations ladies !!
over 1 year ago, WCSD
Post #6 - WHS Breezeway enclosure. New steel doors and concrete blocks replace the glass on both sides!
over 1 year ago, WCSD
WHS Breezeway Enclosure for Security
WHS Breezeway Enclosure for Security
WHS Breezeway Enclosure for Security
Post #5 - Four new buses added to our fleet with another four due in the upcoming weeks!
over 1 year ago, WCSD
New Buses added to the fleet!
New Buses added to the fleet!
July Menus for Free Summer Meals! Westside will continue the meal program until Friday, July 28th. No meals will be served on Tuesday, July 4, 2023. Open to all kids and teens 18 and under with no cost or enrollment required. All meals are served at Westside Elementary School.
over 1 year ago, WCSD
July Breakfast Menu
July Lunch Menu
Post #4 - WHS Agriculture Building interior hallways has a new paint job! The exterior handrails also has a new coat of paint.
over 1 year ago, WCSD
Ag Building Paint
Ag Building Paint
On July 1, 2023, Starting at 12:00 a.m., call or email to get your name on the waiting list for the 23/24 season gym seats! Contact Dawn Passmore in the superintendent’s office at 870-336-8015 or email at Date and time stamp will be notated for placement on the waiting list. Seats are priced at $125 each for all home volleyball and girls’ and boys’ basketball games. Current chairback holders will receive a notification via USPS for renewal. We look forward to seeing all our fans at the Warrior Dome for the 23/24 sports season!
over 1 year ago, WCSD
Warrior Dome
Warriors, there has been many work hours and sweat go into our schools so far this summer and the work is not over! We are adding security measures, A/C units, and general maintenance to buildings and grounds. The next few days we will be posting some pictures for you to see all that is going on over the three campuses. For starters, the WHS Gym is having A/C installed!
over 1 year ago, WCSD
WHS Gym A/C Installation
WHS Gym A/C Installation
WHS Gym A/C Installation
WHS Gym A/C Installation
WHS FFA students, Ashlee Henderson and Rileigh Tate, are setting off to Washington D.C. to represent Westside and Arkansas at the Washington Leadership Conference. Carry that Warrior Pride with you, Ladies!
over 1 year ago, WCSD
FFA Students setting off to the Washington Leadership Conference
Let's Do Good, Warriors! Terri Tyner Memorial Blood Drive, Westside HIgh School. View flyer below for details! Please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter: WestsideHS to schedule an appointment.
over 1 year ago, WCSD
ROTC Red Cross Blood Drive
Band Boosters Summer Fundraiser - DATES FOR DOLLARS $$!!! Simply choose a date on one of the attached calendars (or more than one date😉) and that will be the amount you will be donating to the band boosters. The students who sell the most dates will receive awards. Contact any band student in grades 5th-12th to purchase your date today! Cashapp is $westsidebandboosters and Venmo is westside-BandBoosters Contact Booster President, Sondra Price with any questions.
over 1 year ago, WCSD
Band Booster Fundraiser
Band Booster Fundraiser
Band Booster Fundraiser