Westside Warrior Senior Cheer tryouts are coming soon! Contact Ms. Frisbee for more details!
over 3 years ago, WCSD
WHS Cheer Tryouts
The Annual FFA Auction is underway! Thanks your supporting our program!
almost 4 years ago, WHS Principal
FFA Auction
Westside School District News & Alerts: Please see the WCSD updated mask policy in the following link. http://bit.ly/3cGjKVYMASKUPDATE Also see the Arkansas Ready For Learning End of Year COVID-19 Guidance for Schools document as well. https://adobe.ly/3ubb8wC
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
Virtual students in grades 9-11 who did not pick up their new Chromebooks before spring break can pick them up in the library Thursday evening between 3:30 and 8:30. They can also pick them up during regular school hours this Friday. They must return their current Chromebooks and chargers and pay any related fines.
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
Attention WHS parents: Please consider filling out the High School Parent and Family Engagement Survey. Your feedback is important! https://forms.gle/xwKMbPnJEFqB3d8G9
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on April 1st from 3:30-8:30. These will be held virtually again. Your teachers should be contacting parents for the specific procedures they will use for scheduling these meetings. Please feel free to reach out to your building principal if you need help contacting a teacher.
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
Congratulations to the Sr High Concert Choir and Ladies Choir for making straight Superior ratings for Region Choral Performance Assessment! The choirs have now qualified for State Choral Performance Assessment next month! Great job Warriors!
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
Please see the following link for information about WHS Graduation. http://bit.ly/3r1zabjGraduationUpdate
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
Virtual students in grades 9-11 only can return Chromebooks and chargers to the high school library and pick up new ones on Wed., 3/17 or Thurs., 3/18 between 3:45 and 7 P.M. or Fri., 3/19 during the regular school day. Students must have Chromebook AND charger and have paid any Chromebook fines to receive new Chromebook.
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
Srs and parents of Srs, Brown's Graduation will be here on Tuesday, March 16th at 9:00am. They will be delivering graduation announcements. This will not include caps and gowns. Those will be delivered to us closer to graduation. If you are unable to pick up the announcements on Tuesday, you will be able to pick them up in the store.
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
Westside High School is so proud of our Senior Archery Team! They will compete at the state level! This is another reason it’s a great day to be a Warrior!
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
Warrior Basketball for Monday, Feb. 22. Warriors travel to Pocahontas, must have voucher to attend. Lady Warriors play at the Warrior Dome tonight at 6pm v. Blytheville. There are 70 vouchers for both teams’ parents and 100 available at the door. The game will also be live streamed, just search for OnCue Sports on the YouTube channel. Good luck to both of our Warrior teams!
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
11th grade students, Just a reminder... Please see the following links for information concerning the 11th grade ACT testing on 2-23-21. All 11th grade students should attend the WHS campus on this day in order to test. Students who are typically virtual will be allowed to check out and leave after the testing coordinator has released them. ACT letter from Mr. George http://bit.ly/11thACT
almost 4 years ago, WHS Principal
11th grade students, Just a reminder... Please see the following links for information concerning the 11th grade ACT testing on 2-23-21. All 11th grade students should attend the WHS campus on this day in order to test. Students who are typically virtual will be allowed to check out and leave after the testing coordinator has released them. ACT letter from Mr. George http://bit.ly/11thACT ACT Non-Test Instructions for Student form http://bit.ly/ACTNonTestInstructions
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
Once again, we will be utilizing Virtual Learning for tomorrow, Wednesday, 2/17/21. There will be no on site instruction tomorrow. Please check your google classrooms or reach out to your teachers via email or phone for support.
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
Due to the weather and time remaining in the 2021 basketball season, the junior high district tournaments remaining games will be canceled. The senior high district tournament will be discussed again on Thursday afternoon. We appreciate efforts of all of our teams!
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
WSD will again be observing a Virtual Learning day on Tuesday, February 16th. There will be no on site instruction. As we've done the past few days, please check google classrooms or reach out to your teachers via email or phone to obtain your assignments. #itsagreatdaytobeawarrior #WarriorNation
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
WSD will use a Virtual Learning Day today. All campuses will be closed to on site instruction. Teachers will provide support and answer any questions during normal school hours. If you have questions or need support, please reach out to your teachers via email or phone. Stay safe and warm out there! #WarriorNation #itsagreatdaytobeawarrior
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
Parents, Staff, and faculty, Due to the increasing accumulation of ice, the Westside SchoolDistrict will be pivoting to Virtual Learning again today. There will be no onsite instruction today. Your teachers will be available to you via email and phone call should you need assistance with your assigned work for today. Please be safe out there as it has become very dangerous due to the icy buildup across our district. #WarriorNation #itsagreatdaytobeawarrior
almost 4 years ago, WCSD
11th grade parents and students, Please see the following links for information concerning the 11th grade ACT testing on 2-23-21. All 11th grade students should attend the WHS campus on this day in order to test. Students who are typically virtual will be allowed to check out and leave after the testing coordinator has released them. ACT letter from Mr. George http://bit.ly/11thACT ACT Non-Test Instructions for Student form http://bit.ly/ACTNonTestInstructions
almost 4 years ago, WCSD